Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cool Time: several hours
Dipping Time: 15 minutes per 20 candies
Grade: A+
Make Again: Yes
Recipe Source: CI Bulletin Board (Pennie)
This recipe was discussed quite a bit on the CI bulletin boards, so I tried it shortly after Christmas. However, my thermometer went goofy and now stops working when it gets higher than 200 degrees, so I had to guess when they were done. I guessed wrong and took them off too early. These caramels were extremly soft (but still delicious.) My nephews enjoyed eating them with a spoon while they were cooling. After cooled, they were still spreading out.
So, I put in the refridge and cut with a knife after they were more solid. They seemed to start to seep back together, so I put in the freezer. After frozen, I cut on original cut lines and separated, then refroze. These were still delicious when eaten out of the freezer - you just needed to let it warm up in your mouth and they were perfect.
However, I came up with a better idea, and that was to dip in melted chocolate, to contain the droopy caramels, and it worked great! I stuck a toothpick in the frozen caramel, dipped it in chocolate, swirled around to cover, used a 2nd toothpick to get rid of any excess and used it to push candy off of 1st toothpick, then swirled chocolate quickly into the tiny hole. Because the caramels were frozen, the chocolate cooled quickly and was not droopy.
I even tried sprinkling a few with sea salt, and this was especially delicious, but it was slowing me down, so I didn't keep up with that. I will do that in the future though. These are really pretty and very delicious. The process is a little time consuming, but fun, so I think I will do this for something other than cookies next Christmas.
5 pounds
1 lb. butter
2 lbs. brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
16 oz. Light Karo syrup
2 (15-oz.) cans Eagle Brand Sweetened condensed milk
1 tablespoon Vanilla extract
Melt butter in a heavy 6-quart pan. Add brown sugar and salt. Stir in corn syrup, mixing well. Gradually add milk, stirring constantly. Cook over a medium heat until it reaches the firm ball stage (245 degrees). Remove from heat, stir in vanilla. Pour into a well buttered 11” x 18” jellyroll pan. Cool, cut, and wrap in wax paper squares.
CHECK YOUR THERMOMETER before you start to make the caramels, by placing it in boiling water for a few minutes. It should register at 212 degrees, if it doesn’t then add or subtract accordingly.
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