Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Modern Chicken Divan

Total Time: 55 minutes

Grade: A-

Make Again: No

Recipe Source: Cook's Country (October 2006)

I liked this, but felt like it took too long. I am not sure that pan roasting/steaming the broccoli added anything, and I am also not sure about the browning of the chicken breasts and cooking them whole. I believe that cutting the chicken up first and just cooking it in the sauce would be a lot quicker, and I suspect the chicken would taste just as good to my taste buds.

I did lighten up this dish a bit, and it still had a very flavorful sauce that I really liked. The one thing this recipe didn't have was some rice in it, which I missed. I cooked up some egg noodles to mix in the leftovers and it was delicious. I think I am going to try to recreate this dish with my changes to make it lighter and quicker and see what happens because it does make a nice meal, and I think it could be done in just over 30 minutes my way. We'll see.

1 comment:

f...... said...

I was looking for the Modern Chicken Divan recipe and landed here. I agree that rice isn't the best match - I use pappardelle for maximum eggy pastaness.

It's so difficult to find the ATK, CI, and CC recipes online without sub$cribing. Your blog is such a fantastic resource!