Prep Time: 45 minutes
Cook Time: 7 minutes
Grade: A
Make Again: Yes
Recipe Source: King Arthur's FlourI can't pass up a good peanut butter and chocolate recipe, so I tried this one from the most recent blog entry at
Baker's Banter. These were really delicious. I think they will be better warm, so I froze them after cooled and will defrost in the microwave when I want one.
I don't have the KA scoops, so I had to guess. I do have a cookie scoop, but I don't know the number. I do know it holds exactly 1 Tablespoon of water, but I gather this is not really what the recipe is referring to when it says to use a Tablespoon scoop. (Looking at the scoops for sale, it says that they hold more than 1T and more than 1t.
So I used a real teaspoon to measure my filling. I could tell early on I was going to get a lot more than 26 balls, so I started to allow the teaspooon to be heaping. I assumed I might have the same issue with the Tablespoon scoop, so I didn't level those off, I had them heap too. That worked, I got a similar # of balls from the filling and dough, even though I didn't level as the recipe called for. I ended up with enough for 31-32 cookies, instead of the 26.
These are more work than many cookies, because of the rolling the two balls together then rolling in sugar. But they are very good and I will definitely make these again because they are different than the usual cookies most people make.